Yep, it's been exactly six freakin' months since my last entry here, and as I have constantly done, I again apologize for the lack of entries; I have no excuse, since my third shift schedule affords me the opportunity to do entries whilst everyone in the house is asleep, and before I get my 5-9 hours of snoozing...
So, you may (or may not) be asking yourself; what's been going on these last six months?
Well, for starters, the fam has done a lot of traveling; there is so much to see out these parts, and iconic landmarks top the list; from Lady Liberty to the Nation Mall and all its museums, we've gone as far north as Concord, New Hampshire, and as far south as Virginia, seeing as much as we can...

Turned 46 this year, but, as the blog was started while I was 44, the name stays the same for now.
Our son graduated from pre-school, and we are now a couple of weeks away from the first day of Kindergarten - school is great, teachers and administration are awesome. Meanwhile, Z. continues to thrive, grow, and appreciate the natural beauty of the surrounding areas...


Summer play

Enjoying his first s'more
We made it back to the City By The Bay for a week in August, where, surprisingly, we froze our patooties off; of course I should have remembered those cold summer months from living there for almost 45 years, but living in an area where summer is summer, one can almost be excused for assuming it'd be like that all over the country...

Made it to the best ballpark in the majors...

where THIS guy roams center field
We did manage to see as many friends as we could, and we did spend a day with family, which always warms my heart, especially during a cool makes me miss being that close to everyone, and it further makes me feel more guilty that I don't blog more often. Facebook and Twitter, along with actual emails and phone calls can provide snippets, but I feel like I'm cheating both myself and all of you by not providing more insight through the written word.

Great to see family...

...and friends...

...including friends I haven't seen in two years...

So, with that in mind, I will try to do more via this little blog. It is suppose to focus on sports, pop culture and food, so I really can take subjects that interest me (and, hopefully, you, dear reader) and put a Robert spin on it.
Let's see where this leads...