(I know, I know...NO EXCUSES)
But, as I feel that a "routine" may be falling into place, I hope that will mean a little more time spent on letting my thoughts flow, and sharing it with an adoring public (or, at least, my family - thanks guys!)
*Since last we met, I've turned the page on another year; the "44" part of the title of this blog refers to my age; I did want to name it spf45, but, surprise, that name is ALREADY TAKEN! (Very nice pics, though...)
*Also, since last we met, we've crowned one Top Chef Master (go Marcus!),

*The regular Top Chef has started, with the cheftestants applying their expertise (or lack thereof) in the nations' capitol. And, for the first time, a former classmate of mine from the CCA (California Culinary Academy, or Can't Cook Anything) is one of the cheftestants (don't ask me about any anecdotes/potential blackmail stuff, because that was 15 years ago, and I honestly don't remember...).
*For a great recap of each Top Chef episode, my favorite blogger has started doing a weekly recap - check it out here.
*With the temperatures rising, I'm seeing more fruit at the market (a lot coming from Cali, BTW), and lobsters are all over the place ($4.99 a pound! Lobster roll, here we come!).
*In a couple of weeks, I'll be making my first foray down the shore in a couple of years, and it'll be so nice to get sun, sand, surf, pizza, GTL...
*Father's Day upcoming - think I'll save my thoughts for a stand-alone post...