Or, will that first taste of severe winter weather render him mute...
We shall see.
For now, since I'm still on the left coast, I will continue packing, and maybe drop some opinions/knowledge prior to our departure - stuff like...
*My beloved San Francisco Giants have now lost 4 straight games, the offense seems to be in a funk, but, as I often tell my fellow fantasy baseball owners, it's all ebb and flow; plus TIM-MAY pitches next!

*After a long day of work and packing last night, Glee's Madonna episode took some of the edge off...

*Had a wonderful dinner at Dopo restaurant in Oakland tonight; started with a nice glass of Prosecco, followed by salumi/pate/antipasti, and finished with a really, REALLY good pizza topped with Guanciale and green garlic (perfectly thin crust, generously topped with the beloved cured pig jowls - pure bliss!)

(uh - this is the finished guanciale; not the pizza - didn't have my camera at the restaurant...)
Now, I'm not going to promise that every post will cover the S, P, and F at the same time (better than GTL, I know...), but I hope to keep you interested, and keep you reading.